13,297 research outputs found

    Lensed Arcs and Inner Structure of Abell 697

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    We present new optical observations of the z=0.282 cluster Abell 697 from the Keck II telescope. Images show an unusual disturbed structure in the cD halo and a previously unknown faint gravitational lens arc. A spectrum of the arc did not yield a redshift, but its spectrum and colors suggest it lies at z>1.3. We construct models to reproduce the arc that show the potential is likely to be highly elliptical. We suggest that this cluster may have undergone a recent merger and is in the process of forming its cD galaxy. Analysis of X-ray data from ROSAT and ASCA suggests that the merging process is sufficiently advanced that the gas in the cluster has relaxed, and A697 lies near the L_x-T_x relation for normal clusters.Comment: LaTeX; 12 pages, 3 figures, submitted to ApJ Letter

    Outflow and dense gas emission from massive Infrared Dark Clouds

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    Infrared Dark Clouds are expected to harbor sources in different, very young evolutionary stages. To better characterize these differences, we observed a sample of 43 massive Infrared Dark Clouds, originally selected as candidate high-mass starless cores, with the IRAM 30m telescope covering spectral line tracers of low-density gas, high-density gas, molecular outflows/jets and temperature effects. The SiO(2-1) observations reveal detections toward 18 sources. Assuming that SiO is exclusively produced by sputtering from dust grains, this implies that at least in 40% of this sample star formation is on-going. A broad range of SiO line-widths is observed (between 2.2 and 65km/s), and we discuss potential origins for this velocity spread. While the low-density tracers 12CO(2-1) and 13CO(1-0) are detected in several velocity components, the high-density tracer H13CO+(1--0) generally shows only a single velocity component and is hence well suited for kinematic distance estimates of IRDCs. Furthermore, the H13CO+ line-width is on average 1.5 times larger than that of previously observed NH3(1,1). This is indicative of more motion at the denser core centers, either due to turbulence or beginning star formation activity. In addition, we detect CH3CN toward only six sources whereas CH3OH is observed toward approximately 40% of the sample. Estimates of the CH3CN and CH3OH abundances are low with average values of 1.2x10^{-10} and 4.3x10^{-10}, respectively. These results are consistent with chemical models at the earliest evolutionary stages of high-mass star formation. Furthermore, the CH3OH abundances compare well to recently reported values for low-mass starless cores.Comment: 22 pages (ApJ referee style), 7 figures, accepted for Ap

    Quasi-particle continuum and resonances in the Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov theory

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    The quasi-particle energy spectrum of the Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov (HFB) equations contains discrete bound states, resonances, and non-resonant continuum states. We study the structure of the unbound quasi-particle spectrum of weakly bound nuclei within several methods that do not rely on imposing scattering or outgoing boundary conditions. Various approximations are examined to estimate resonance widths. It is shown that the stabilization method works well for all HFB resonances except for very narrow ones. The Thomas-Fermi approximation to the non-resonant continuum has been shown to be very effective, especially for coordinate-space HFB calculations in large boxes that involve huge amounts of discretized quasi-particle continuum states.Comment: 12 pages,11 figures,submitted to PR

    Candida and invasive candidiasis: Back to basics.

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    The ubiquitous Candida spp. is an opportunistic fungal pathogen which, despite treatment with antifungal drugs, can cause fatal bloodstream infections (BSIs) in immunocompromised and immunodeficient persons. Thus far, several major C. albicans virulence factors have been relatively well studied, including morphology switching and secreted degradative enzymes. However, the exact mechanism of Candida pathogenesis and the host response to invasion are still not well elucidated. The relatively recent discovery of the quorum-sensing molecule farnesol and the existence of quorum sensing as a basic regulatory phenomenon of the C. albicans population behavior has revolutionized Candida research. Through population density regulation, the quorum-sensing mechanism also controls the cellular morphology of a C. albicans population in response to environmental factors, thereby, effectively placing morphology switching downstream of quorum sensing. Thus, the quorum-sensing phenomenon has been hailed as the 'missing piece' of the pathogenicity puzzle. Here, we review what is known about Candida spp. as the etiological agents of invasive candidiasis and address our current understanding of the quorum-sensing phenomenon in relation to virulence in the host

    The KX method for producing K-band flux-limited samples of quasars

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    The longstanding question of the extent to which the quasar population is affected by dust extinction, within host galaxies or galaxies along the line of sight, remains open. More generally, the spectral energy distributions of quasars vary significantly and flux-limited samples defined at different wavelengths include different quasars. Surveys employing flux measurements at widely separated wavelengths are necessary to characterise fully the spectral properties of the quasar population. The availability of panoramic near-infrared detectors on large telescopes provides the opportunity to undertake surveys capable of establishing the importance of extinction by dust on the observed population of quasars. We introduce an efficient method for selecting K-band, flux-limited samples of quasars, termed ``KX'' by analogy with the UVX method. This method exploits the difference between the power-law nature of quasar spectra and the convex spectra of stars: quasars are relatively brighter than stars at both short wavelengths (the UVX method) and long wavelengths (the KX method). We consider the feasibility of undertaking a large-area KX survey for damped Ly-alpha galaxies and gravitational lenses using the planned UKIRT wide-field near-infrared camera.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, to appear in MNRA